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Wednesday, June 4, 2014

We wrote about our visit to the South City LIbrary to learn more about Matariki

We went to the City South Library to learn more about Matariki.  We learnt about Rongoa about the properties that plants have that can heal us.

Yesterday I was the first to wake up. I went into my Mum and Dad’s bedroom.  My Mum said “You need to go at 8 o’clock today.  We went to the library and then the gym.
By Ryley

When we got to the South City Library we had to walk around.  We went to go on the computers. I made manuka.  We learnt about Matariki.  I know some of it. We coloured the plants. It was fantastic.
By Nikkita

On Tuesday we went to the South City Library to learn about Matariki.  We went on the computers. It was fun but we had to go back to school for gym.
By Montana

We went in the van.  We went from Freeville School to South City Library.  We went on the computers to colour our plant.  My plant was green, light green and red and yellow.
By Connor

I was sleeping having an amazing dream, then all of a sudden “Get up”. I woke up in a flash.  Mum said, “Your teacher texted me and said you have to be at school by 8.00am”. I got up, did my chores and went to school.  When I got there I said “How come we have to be at school so early?”  Mrs Bourke said, “We are going to the South City Library.”  Soon after that we were there.  It looked amazing.  It was beautiful but when we were about to go in it was closed.  They said we could go in but would be warmer in the van.  So we stayed in the van.  When Mrs Bourke got there she said we will go for a walk to warm up.  I felt freezing.  When we got back they were just about to open.
We went in. It looked great.  We went into the Learning Center.  Sam taught us about Matariki.  After we learnt about it we made posters.  I chose kowhai.  I had a blast at the library.  On the bumpy ride back to school I wondered if we will ever get back and what we would do when we did.
By Jayme

On Tuesday we went to South City Library to learn about Matariki.  We read a story. We went on the computers.  We coloured in plants.  I did a kowhai.  My colour was dark yellow, yellow, dark green and brown.
By Bailey

On the frosty Tuesday we drove to the City South Library.  All us walked to the dirty van.  When the rattly van stopped at the car park the library doors were locked.  So all of us walked around the block.  When we came back from the block I felt tired but the library was open.

I was having a good dream.  I woke up.  It was 7.00am only one hour until we had to go on Room 4’s trip to South City Library.  I got to school.  I found out that I was going with Trish and my Mum Toni.  Ryan was in the van too.  We learnt about Matariki.  We made picture on plants.  I made one on kowhai.  I made the background blue and purple. I felt happy. Sam printed my kowhai picture in the gigantic printer that was silver and black.  We went back to school in the big van.

Click clack.  What colour shall I make it? Pink or orange, red, purple, green or black?  Now what font shall I do it?  Cowboy’s blood looks cool! “Excuse me how do you make the back ground?”  “You click the magic wand, chose your colours, click the icon that looks like a window. Click a corner and pull.  Press edit and press the bottom icon.”
By Ryan

I was in the middle of a dream. “WAKE UP!” my Mum yelled.  So I dragged my tired self out of my warm cosy bed.  I looked outside. Gurr!!!!! I grunted.  It was ice frost everywhere!!!  I couldn’t decide what to eat for breakfast.  My brother tickled me; he jumped on me so I got back up and got porridge.  My Mum yelled “Let’s go!!!” But I have not had my breakfast yet. “Well bring it to school.”  “OK” I grunted.  I ate it before we got to school. I got out of the warm car into the freezing cold weather.  BBBRRRR. I waited outside until Montana came.  ‘Let’s go” Mrs Bourke said.  I was confused. “Ollie” Trish yelled, “You’re with me.”  So we went in the warm van and drove on the rattly road.  We arrived at the South City Library.  They didn’t let us in.  We walked around the building.  We came at the right time; we walked into the warm library.  We followed Sam down the bright hallway.  We walked into the small room to put our jackets away.  We went into the other room and read a book. We then coloured in a plant on the computer.
By Ollie

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