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Wednesday, May 15, 2013

The street was usual enough.....

We did writing modeled a little on James K Baxter’s writing.

The street was usual enough. Leaning and hard to get past. We played on the path next to the street.  We crossed the street safely and were careful. We did what boys and Dads do, played together and felt excited.

The town was usual enough with single houses, a big beach and buildings.  We biked, played soccer, played rugby and ran races.  We did what families do exploring together.

The street was usual enough, round abouts, flat roads, trees and grass.  We scootered with friends.  We said “Hi” to neighbors and made new friends.  We did what families do having heaps of fun and spending time together all playing in the back yard and getting messy.  

The town was usual enough, jewellery shop, MacDonald’s and straight roads.  My granny lives at the jewellery shop.  Me and my sister saw Muda the dog.  I think he is a German Shepherd.  We did what families do being caring, nice and kind.

The beach was usual enough.  It had sand, water, fish and sky all over it.  When it snowed we slid down the hills on black bags.  On hot days we went to the beach and played in the water. Sometimes me and my family dug big holes.  That is what my family does best.

The room was usual enough.  It had three teddies, one net and a tea set.  I’d read books. We did what brothers and sisters do and had adventures down the back of the house. We found hats, cats and mats and even butterflies. I felt exhausted.  I fell asleep on the ground.

The country was usual enough, tall hills, fun hot parks, massive cold forests.  We went to Uncle Brett’s for a scrummy tea and swim.  Had a go on the fast motorbike.  We did what cousins usually do

The room was usual enough.  It had skateboard shelves, a big desk with books, a narrow cupboard and a funny little squeaking monkey.  We talked together, played Lego and read Harry Potter.  We did what families do best, run and work together and have an enthusiastic time.

The town was usual enough.  The roads were bumpy and rough.  We played running games.  Blue skies above us.  Tripping over unusual cracks on the ground.  Roadwork’s everywhere.  Playing all day like cousins do.  On motor bikes on the farm, scootering on creamy concrete, looking for rabbits, feeling different and lucky.

The town was usual enough. Curved and wild roads, parks, trees, nice and warm.  My friend and I liked to play on the trampoline.  We went to the park.  We read at night because we wanted to be better readers.  We did what friends do.   Played games and have extra fun.

The city is usual enough.  Wobbly roads, tall and fat houses, golf courses, trees, after shocks and earthquakes.  There’s bouncy bumps and quiet and sleepy roads.  Every night the birds twitter and people try to get to sleep.  We visited MacDonald’s.  Went to school. And to Toy World.  Me and my brothers play wrestling and rugby and soccer and play cricket.  Cooper and me play Wii and Jackson plays play station.  We did what brothers do.  Fight and enjoy life and have 5 times as much fun as we mostly do.

The city was usual enough.  Sandy and dark and smooth and tiny and with a spiky tree on the other side of long grass.  We ran around the block 3 times.  We scootered around speeding on the street.  We did what brothers do, hang around all the time and wrestle on the tramp and play cricket.

The house was usual enough.  It had cream bricks and white walls.  A lot of trees and a play house.  Me and my brother played around in my room.  We slept in my room.  Watched TV and played outside on my trampoline.  We did what families do.  Played together, went to the park together and never left anyone behind.

The house was usual enough.  Old grass, concrete a bumpy drive, two small cars.  We played sport, ran around and feed fish and played Wii. We did what brothers do, played and argued over games.

The street is usual enough. Curly and busy. We did what brothers do. Biking fast like Lightening McQueen.  Running zippy like cars and scottering as hasty as a cheetah.

The room was usual enough. Colourful duvet cover, one big teddy, one long desk, two little lights.  I drew on my desk all the time.  I slept in the colorful bed and cut some stuff out that I drew with my stencils.  We did what families do, wearing slippers, coloured in, cut stuff out.

The room was usual enough.  I did my nails and watched TV.  I read my book and picked up my cell phone and played some games.  It had colourful walls and a desk as well, an owl duvet cover, and pillow.  I just sat around on my cell phone playing games.  Just doing what girls do.  Sometimes my friends came over and we had pillow fights.

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